
How to structure your writing

Becoming a content writer can be a rewarding career that allows you to earn money while working from home, but the best writers are always looking for ways to improve their copy. In this blog, we’ll look at some useful tips when structuring the articles, you produce.


In many briefs you receive, the title will already be provided, However, you can use it to start structuring your submission. Make sure that all content below is relevant to the title and if it features a question, ensure you answer it.

Introductory paragraph

Always include at least one paragraph to introduce your article. Offer a glimpse of what will be covered by the content but don’t give everything away immediately. The opening paragraph should hook the reader and urge them to continue right to the end.

Use subheadings to break up content

Not every member of your audience will have a long attention span. Break up your article by using subheadings that incite interest. Keep your language concise in the paragraphs, and sentences should be short to maintain engagement. Try and keep each section beneath a subheading roughly the same size for consistency.

For short articles, two-to-three subheadings with one or two paragraphs each works best, but for longer articles, multiply these as required.

Keyword placement

If your brief asks you to include keywords, where you place them in the article can be important. In many cases you will be asked to add a keyword in the first and last paragraph, but in others, additional keywords may be required throughout the piece or even in subheadings.

Concluding paragraphs

Always add a concluding paragraph, even if it is just a couple of sentences in length. A final paragraph ensure that articles don’t end too abruptly and can feel more satisfying to the reader. You can sum up the key points of the piece and add a call to action if the brief requires one.

Are you looking for writing jobs?

If you’re looking to earn money while you practice your craft, why not apply to Words of Worth? We are always looking for quality writers with a good grasp of the English language and a genuine interest in copy writing. To access available briefs for blogs, press releases, web copy and product descriptions and get paid on time, every time, apply for a writing job with us today.

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