You have landed a writing job and written your copy, but now you need to edit it before you submit it. Whether this is your first or thousandth job for this client, the last thing any freelance writer wants to do is submit a piece with obvious grammatical or flow issues or, even worse, missing aspects requested in the writing brief.
Luckily, with these tips, you can ensure your writing jobs are error-free before you submit them.
Give yourself time
When you are on a role with researching and writing, it can be tempting to dive right in and edit your work right after you write it. Unfortunately, this is not the best method. When you write something, it can be easy to overlook any writing mistakes because you are still so close to the piece. Instead, give yourself a break and come back to edit the piece a couple of hours or even a day later. Having a fresh set of eyes will allow you to pick up on issues you may have overlooked.
Switch it up
Another trick many writers use when editing their work is to switch up the font of the piece. If you usually write in Arial, black, size 11, try switching it to a new font type, colour, and size. These changes can make it easier to distance yourself from the piece and read it with a fresh set of eyes. In addition, try reading it out loud; both speaking and hearing the piece can allow you to pick up on any flow issues.
If you’re interested in starting a freelance writing career of your own, we’re actively searching for writers in Canada at the moment. Apply to join Words of Worth today!