
Tips for beginner freelance writers

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Today’s economy is in a state of flux, and many people are turning to the online world for a secondary or even primary career. Freelancing can be a choice that offers a variety of perks, and a few simple steps can help those who are new to the field to hit the ground running.

Why consider freelancing?

The landscape in Canada is seeing more people turning to the internet for their career. These jobs offer the opportunity to work from just about anywhere, and in many cases, you can set your own hours, take on projects that interest you and create a work/life balance that allows for lots of free time.

Before you start

There’s lots of ways to make money online in Canada, and the one(s) you choose may depend on many factors. Consider what interests you and also which areas you excel in. For instance, if you have a lot of knowledge of a particular subject area, tutoring can be a good option.

What are some easy ways to begin?

There’s a whole world of options out there that can help you turn your hobby or interest into a money-making career. Writing, marketing, reselling and “upcycling” vintage finds and selling images are just a few examples.

Ask around

Once you have settled on an area you feel is a good match for your interests and skills, it’s smart to do some checking. Find out what sorts of freelance jobs are out there and what they require. You can utilize online forums and other groups to get the inside scoop. Use this as an opportunity to learn about your strengths and weaknesses, and what areas can use some improvement.

Find your niche

Those who specialize in a niche area may find a lot of success freelancing. If you have an in-depth knowledge of a subject, you may be able to put it to work for you.

Take stock of your skillset

Even subject matter experts can benefit from a refresher. Take a look at your current skills and see where there are areas for improvement.

Writing can be wonderful

If you’re a skilled wordsmith, the online world can be a very lucrative place. There are freelance jobs in everything from blogging to editing, proofreading, writing marketing copy, and much more.

Learn SEO

Learning SEO (search engine optimization) techniques can be very helpful to freelance writers, and may help them to land jobs.

What about the non-writers

While many freelance jobs may involve writing, there’s lots of other choices. If you have the ability, creating or testing websites, virtual assisting, and selling images can all be financially rewarding.

For the designers in the crowd

If you’re skilled at graphic design, you may want to consider creating print on demand designs for sites such as RedBubble. Etsy can be a good home for the craftier people, and drop shipping, which simply means the seller accepts orders and has them fulfilled and shipped by a third party, is another option.

Take advantage of grant and tax rebate opportunities

The Canadian government has a variety of programs in place that may be helpful to freelancers trying to figure out how to make money from home in Canada. There are federal and provincial grants, tax credits and also helpful advice available.

You will need to make sure you keep track of paying applicable taxes, setting up an RRSP or pension plan and also extended health care insurance.

Get yourself organized

Once you feel you’ve put in the groundwork, it’s time to get yourself organized and create your workspace. This should be comfortable and quiet and have any tools you need within easy reach.

What to watch out for

While freelancing can be a viable way to make money from home in Canada, it does have some pitfalls to be aware of. There’s lots of sites in the virtual world that offer jobs, but they are not all created equal. This is why it’s a smart move to do lots of checking before you make any commitments.

It’s also important to take care of your mental health. Working from home has the potential to be isolating, especially if you’re used to a traditional brick and mortar workplace. Take time each day to socialize and connect, have coffee with a friend, or just go out for a walk.

Join freelancing platforms

Once you feel you are ready, it’s time to join freelancing platforms and begin competing for briefs. Take your time and find the one you feel is the best fit for you.

Take the plunge

Freelancing online can make the whole world your workspace. Take the plunge and get started turning your interest to income today.

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