How can I earn extra cash from home?

Earn money writing online in Canada

Whether you work full-time, part-time, are a student or are retired, there’s nobody who wouldn’t welcome earning a little extra cash in their bank account every month. Perhaps it would ease some of your bills, or help you save for something to look forward to? Better still would be if you could earn some extra cash doing something you enjoy, from the comfort of your own home.

Have you considered freelance writing?

Earning extra cash from home by writing is a goal many people have. Writing is a form of art and creativity, as well as a popular hobby, so the idea of getting paid to do it has an obvious appeal.

It can be difficult to get started though. If you have no history of published work, finding clients who will trust you to write well for them can be tough. Plus, there can be some serious toil that takes place before you can even start writing, such as finding a client, agreeing a brief, negotiating payment and settling upon a timescale.

At the other end of the spectrum, there are other people for whom the idea of earning extra cash from home by writing will probably be quickly dismissed. Perhaps they didn’t enjoy English at school, or don’t see how it can be possible, but isn’t it true that writing at your own choice of time and place is so much easier?

How to make money from writing in Canada?Earn extra cash from home with Words of Worth

At Words of Worth, we acknowledge that qualifications and writing experience are certainly useful, but what interests us more is simply whether you can write well and follow a brief. That’s why we ask applicants to submit a short news piece and then decide from there whether you have what it takes to write for us.

We don’t expect you to get it 100% right first time, which is why we have a team of journalist-trained editors who will help you along the way with useful, friendly feedback. Our house guide is available at any time too, packed with tips and guidance to help you become a better writer.

You don’t have to ‘chase’ work with us. We agree the brief, topics and word count with the clients ourselves, so all you have to do is provide the content.

Freelance Writing in CanadaReliable payment at the same time each month

We’re not naïve – we understand that the main reason our writers write for us is because they enjoy being paid! Words of Worth has been in business since 2008, and we have longstanding writers who know by now that they will receive payment at the same time every month.

Payment goes into your bank account in Canadian dollars. Yes, we’re based in the UK, but we have clients and writers all over the world and pay in their home currency.

If you’d like to earn extra cash from home and feel you have what it takes to write for Words of Worth, please apply below. Whether you are successful or not, we’ll let you know within 28 days.

    Apply to become a writer

      Please choose the subjects that you're interested in


      Other Subjects

      We often receive niche requests that don’t fit into the categories above. Tell us what other interests and experience you have; whether it’s taxation, plumbing, web design, nail care or air conditioning - if the topic comes in and it’s your speciality, it all yours. Let us know about your former careers, your hobbies and what you’ve studied below.

      In particular, we’d be interested to know if you have knowledge of printing, virtual hosting and industrial machinery such as metal cutting tool machinery.

      Tell us a little about yourself

      Submitting this form means you have read the terms and conditions and agree with them