How to earn money online

Earn money writing at home in Canada

It’s a sad fact that many people don’t enjoy their jobs. What we do for a living doesn’t always reflect our identity or ambitions, so those who can earn money online by doing something they really enjoy are in a fortunate position.

If you were to ask a group of people for a list of lifetime goals, it’s likely that writing would crop up at least once. The thrill of seeing your work in print, whether online or offline, is such that many people see time spent in front of their keyboard as not just a hobby, but a potential moneymaking initiative.

New opportunities in the digital age

There was a time when being a freelance writer meant physically mailing scripts and other written content from one place to another. For an activity usually performed while sitting at a desk, the amount of genuine legwork that went into it was surprising!

Of course, that’s all changed, and most of today’s paid writing opportunities can be found online. With the internet rapidly expanding, there’s a constant need for new content. What’s more, smart businesses know that to have their website in the good books of Google and other search engines, it’s important for the site to be rich in quality, regularly updated content, such as writing.

There’s a problem that business people have with this though, and the clue is in the name – business people are busy! They don’t necessarily have the time or the required skills to write for their own blog. In other words, they’re looking for somebody else to do it for them. Could that somebody be you?

Write for Money in CanadaWords of Worth – a reliable way to earn money online

At Words of Worth, we’ve reached out to all kinds of businesses who understand the value of high-quality written content, and we have an excellent team of remote-based writers who supply it. How would you like to become the latest member?

With us, you can work at whatever time of day it suits you, and from you like as long as you can get online. Our writers love the flexibility we offer, not to mention the support and guidance they get from our friendly editors.

If you’re a little uneasy about the trustworthiness of paid online writing opportunities, let us reassure you that since 2008, we’ve been paying and supporting writers from all over the world. For those in Canada, that means monthly payments in their accounts when they expect them, in Canadian dollars.

Check out our testimonials to see why some of our writers have been with us for years, improving their content delivery skills all the time while making some extra money.

For a liberating and diverse way to earn money online, why not apply to be a Words of Worth writer? You just need to complete the form below and we’ll give you a short news brief to try your hand at. Once you’ve submitted it, we’ll be in touch within 28 days to let you know whether you’ve been successful.

    Apply to become a writer

      Please choose the subjects that you're interested in


      Other Subjects

      We often receive niche requests that don’t fit into the categories above. Tell us what other interests and experience you have; whether it’s taxation, plumbing, web design, nail care or air conditioning - if the topic comes in and it’s your speciality, it all yours. Let us know about your former careers, your hobbies and what you’ve studied below.

      In particular, we’d be interested to know if you have knowledge of printing, virtual hosting and industrial machinery such as metal cutting tool machinery.

      Tell us a little about yourself

      Submitting this form means you have read the terms and conditions and agree with them