How to earn money online writing blogs

Make money freelance writing in CanadaBlog writing for many people is a hobby. Perhaps you have an interest in cookery, sports, crafts or any other subject, and putting your words on a page and sharing them with others is something that makes you feel happy? A blog can act as an online diary too, reminding you of where you were and what you were doing at certain points in your life.

What some writers don’t realise is that there is the potential to earn money online writing blogs. By writing regular, relatively short articles on a given subject, you could be doing something that an established business simply doesn’t have time to do, and would rather outsource to someone who can do it on time and in style.

It’s not just getting paid that makes this a great opportunity (although it certainly helps!). There’s also the feeling of satisfaction you can get as you develop as a writer, learning how to communicate effectively and coming to understand particular industries as you research and deliver content on them. These are skills you can take with you into other aspects of your life, whether at work or leisure.


How to make money from writing in Canada?How do you earn money with blog writing?

In the digital era, having a good website is a real asset. Search engines, predominantly Google, are becoming more and more clever in how they determine which sites users want to see when they type in a search term. Google’s algorithms are always changing and there is an element of mystery as to how they work, but at Words of Worth, something we’re confident on is that search engines will always appreciate websites where the written content is regularly added and of high quality.

Shrewd business people therefore understand that a website is not a gimmick, and that running a blog is an excellent way to get frequent, relevant content added to it. This not only pricks the ears of Google, but also serves up a wealth of engaging material that can be shared on social media channels.

It all results in more people visiting the site, understanding the company and spending money on its products and services – all because of interesting blogs.


Write articles for money in Canada

Earn money securely with Words of Worth

At Words of Worth, we do the nitty gritty search engine optimization work, and put in the mileage of finding clients and agreeing content briefs with them, so you needn’t worry about any of that. What we need from you is promptly submitted written content our clients will love.

Our team of editors is friendly and communicative (ranked 4.88 out of 5 in an anonymous survey of our writers), so we’ll give you the support you need to get to grips with your brief(s) and develop your skills.

You won’t be chasing us for payment either, because we pay our Canadian writers at the same time every month – whether our client has paid us or not. We’re based in the UK, but don’t worry, we’ll pay you in Canadian dollars.

Interested? Fill in the form below and we’ll send you a brief to have a try at. It could be your first step to earning money online writing blogs.

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      We often receive niche requests that don’t fit into the categories above. Tell us what other interests and experience you have; whether it’s taxation, plumbing, web design, nail care or air conditioning - if the topic comes in and it’s your speciality, it all yours. Let us know about your former careers, your hobbies and what you’ve studied below.

      In particular, we’d be interested to know if you have knowledge of printing, virtual hosting and industrial machinery such as metal cutting tool machinery.

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