No matter whether you’ve been writing for years as a freelancer or have just started out, we welcome all sorts of writers with different experiences, but particularly look for:
Great Writing – We need good spelling, punctuation and grammar, so English must be your first language. We especially want writers from the countries above. Being able to follow a written assignment is also particularly important.
Unique Copy – We really don’t want plagiarism, so we take this seriously. We double check all our writers’ submissions using Copyscape and the terms and conditions of the contract require you to only submit uniquely written copy.
Staying in Touch – We always keep contact with our writers via email and are available to offer you support, help and inspiration where needed. If you have any issues with your work, then we expect you to inform us as quickly as possible.
Being Reliable – We have to meet our deadlines, so it’s vital we can rely on you to keep your work on track and submit your writing as soon as possible.
Our usual contracts vary from 10 up to 80 pieces a month, often on different topics. We aim to give you subjects within your preferred areas, but this isn’t possible all of the time but we’re always available to give a helping hand.
Try our mini quiz and find out if your English is up to the level we need.