An easier way to write articles for money

Apply to become a canadian writerNo matter what your level of experience is when it comes to writing, you should be aware that writing for the internet is a different ballgame from writing for print, especially if you want to write articles for money. Canada has lots of writers, and therefore lots of competition, so it’s worth getting the jump on your rivals wherever you can.

To write articles for money can be easy if you have not only some talent, but know how to go about it. There are three areas that you should be looking at: news stories, web copy and general articles. Your news stories should be professional in tone, and not be coloured by any personal opinions or sweeping statements. Any facts much be checked, and any quotes used should be accurate and not taken out of context in order to change their meaning. Web copy is usually quite promotional in tone and can call upon the reader to use a service or purchase something. General articles are meant to be informative and may be informal or even humorous in tone.

It is also important to distance yourself from your work in order not to take any rejection to heart. If an editor gives you feedback that isn’t pleasant to hear, bear in mind that it’s not directed at you on a personal level. All criticism should be taken onboard and used to improve your writing, and not dwelt upon.

If your goal is write articles for money, especially from the comfort of your own home in Canada in your spare time, you must be sure when you write a piece, you’ll be paid. It’s tempting to agree to write for free on spec in an effort to win a contract. Alternatively, if you want to be rewarded for your hard work, why not consider writing for Words of Worth? If you are a native English speaker and have great writing skills, we can offer you fixed, guaranteed rates of pay, regular contracts on topics that you are familiar with, and we always make sure that you are paid for your competed assignments on time each month. If you want to write articles for money from your Canada home, check out our FAQs page now.

    Apply to become a writer

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      We often receive niche requests that don’t fit into the categories above. Tell us what other interests and experience you have; whether it’s taxation, plumbing, web design, nail care or air conditioning - if the topic comes in and it’s your speciality, it all yours. Let us know about your former careers, your hobbies and what you’ve studied below.

      In particular, we’d be interested to know if you have knowledge of printing, virtual hosting and industrial machinery such as metal cutting tool machinery.

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