Whether you’re just starting out on your writing career or you’re a seasoned freelancer, we accept applications from writers with different degrees of experience. However, we require the following:
Great Writing – Excellent grammar, spelling and punctuation is really important to us, so English needs to be your first language. We particularly need writers from the above locations too. Comprehending an assignment and adhering to it is also a must.
Unique Content – At Words of Worth, plagiarism is a capital offense. We run all our writers’ submissions through copychecking software, as your contract will stipulate that the content you submit is unique.
Reliability – We promise a turnaround upfront with our clients, so it’s vital to us that you stay on schedule and don’t fall behind.
Staying in Contact – We stay in touch with all of our writers by email, and we’ll always there for you when you need support or inspiration. If any issues arise that affect your ability to fulfill your contract, we expect you to tell us as soon as you possibly can.
Typically, contracts range from 10 to 80 pieces per month. They won’t be all on the same topic – at the most, you would write 50 on one subject. We try to give our writers contracts based on their preferences, but this may not be achievable all of the time. If you’re offered a contract on a topic you’re unfamiliar with, don’t worry – we always provide resources to help you, and we’re there for you whenever you need help.