A real way to earn money writing articles
Earning a few extra dollars for yourself, particular if you can earn money writing articles, may seem pretty straightforward, but it can be deceptive. In fact, it brings the famous episode of US comedy South Park to mind, where a bunch of gnomes set up a business dealing in underwear. Their three point business plan includes stealing underwear for step one and making a profit in step 3. However, step two – which should reveal how their endeavours actually pay off – is curiously absent.
Earn money writing articles in the US
If you’re looking to earn money writing articles in the US, there are a number of options for your own ‘step 2’. You may decide you write your own blog with a view to attracting a lot of adverts, which can make you some cash. Although possible, there are some drawbacks to this – namely, the time it takes to establish your blog, and the odds of attracting a big-name company based in the United States to rent out advertising space on your site are slim, and even then, chances are it’ll only be worth a few dollars – not enough to pay you for the time you spent writing all the articles.
Alternatively, you can write blogs, news stories and articles. Many companies in the USA outsource their online content, but as there is a lot at stake, they tend to do it through agencies. America has lots of agencies, but some are better than others.
Why Words of Worth
At Words of Worth, we distance ourselves from the pack. We make sure that our clients get only the freshest, well written original content. This means that we’re always looking for great writers looking to earn money writing articles. We offer full support to our team of writers by way of resources and on-demand help from our in-house editors, and once you’re established, you could be receiving contracts of up to 80 articles per month, as well as one-off pieces if you wanted them. We also pay our writers regularly for completed assignments – every month, in fact.
It goes without saying that we demand hardworking, talented writers based in America who speak English natively and have great spelling, punctuation and grammar.